Lindsay Kenny
EFT Master


You've come to the right place for your Free EFT Starter Package™

EFT and Pro EFT are energy psychology techniques that utilize meridian points as a healing mechanism . These acupressure points, combined with aspects of modern psychology, have proven to be powerful healing tools.

Simply fill out the form below with your valid email address, so we can send you your downloads. You're going to like them!



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Just by systematically tapping on certain meridian points (which we'll teach you how to do,) most people experience relief in minutes from:

  • aches, pains and headaches -- frustration, anger and resentment
  • stress, fear and anxiety -- grief, guilt, shame and remorse
  • and many other negative emotions or issues

We want you to have enough basic EFT information to begin tapping on your own. Our unique, FREE EFT Starter Package™ (worth over $200) will do the trick. It includes:

  • Our Pro EFT™ Basic eBook
  • Tapping Videos
  • Audios and a Webinar
  • EFT and Pro EFT™ articles
  • Our exclusive Tapping Points Chart and much more. All FREE

Just fill out the form above to receive your FREE EFT Starter Package™

tapping points

Compassionate Life Coaching Since 1980

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